Hyde de Villaine HdV Chardonnay 2017

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NT$ 4,600

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United States, Napa Valley, Carneros




Chardonnay 100%

Hyde de Villaine HdV Chardonnay 2017

Seductive aromas of spiced Bosc pear, lemon zest and honeycomb are accented by chamomile blossoms and a hint of fresh pie crust. A perfectly balanced combination of yuzu and white peach lead into the delicate essence of vanilla and clove. Precise acidity and flinty minerality are juxtaposed by the unctuous texture, adding unparalleled length to the finish. The wine is elegantly refined yet shows stern focus; a promise of aging over the next decade. — Guillame Boudet, Winemaker

The 2017 Chardonnay opens with pure notes of poached pears, white peach, quince and apple pie plus notions of citrus blossoms, smoke, toast and honeyed hints in the undercurrent—what a superb perfume! The palate is still youthfully wound, offering energetic citrus and mineral-laced fruits, tangy, vibrant and bright and finishing very long and nuanced. -《Wine Advocate》


Hyde de Villaine

Aubert de Villaine 是最富盛名布根地 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti 酒莊合夥人及主要經營者,夫人 Pamela Fairbanks 為 Larry Hyde 的表親。在 Aubert 提議及主導下,三個家族於 2000 年共同成立 Hyde de Villaine酒莊 (簡稱HdV)。

Larry Hyde 曾任職於那帕山谷 Ridge Winery, Mondavi, Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars 等知名酒莊,在 HdV 酒莊成立之前,Larry 已投入葡萄園經營超過30年,透過土壤種類、地形分析、 篩選、嫁接、 種植間距及修枝成為知名果農,生產優質葡萄 Kistler, Kongsgaard, Paul Hobbs, Spottswoode 等加州頂級酒莊競相追逐,用以釀造重要酒款,也為 HdV 品牌成立後所釀製的酒款奠定複雜度與深度的深厚基礎。

在 de Villaine 領軍之下,新舊世界葡萄酒專業人才通力合作,以傳統布根地 Domaine 的概念,釀造出充份詮釋 Carneros產區風土特色的佳釀,樹立了頂尖加州葡萄酒的最新標竿。Hyde家族擁有葡萄園面積 69 公頃,其中60公頃種植葡萄,HdV僅採用其中9.3 公頃最精華的地塊的葡萄釀酒。排水良好,日照充足,Carneros地區氣候冷涼,佩塔路馬峽口 (Petaluma Gap)太平洋的涼風降低了果實的溫度,遞延了熟成的速度,保留了葡萄自然的酸度。

HdV 力行自然環境維護及栽植,不使用任何的除草劑或化學肥料,並在最佳採收時間投入心力,順應氣候忠實的傳遞當年份的葡萄園的特色,確保酒質的清新、平衡與活力,保留風土獨特的礦石風味與自然的酸度。

