Antinori Guado Al Tasso 2007
NT$ 4,900 NT$ 4,400
- 全館滿 $4000 即享免運優惠
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Italy, Tuscana
65% Cabernet Sauvignon, 25% Merlot and 10% Cabernet Franc
Antinori Guado Al Tasso 2007
The 2007 Guado al Tasso screams of Bolgheri. Sweet grilled herbs, mocha, spices and black cherry jam are woven into a generous, expansive frame. There is a wonderful sense of richness and warmth to the fruit that carries through to the round harmonious finish, where clean, minerally notes add freshness. This is simply gorgeous today, but it is young, and the oak needs to integrate. Still, it is impossible not to admire the 2007 Guado al Tasso. In 2007 Guado al Tasso is 65% Cabernet Sauvignon, 25% Merlot and 10% Cabernet Franc. The late ripening Cabernet Franc, used in place of Syrah for the first time in 2007, adds a measure of freshness that had often been missing in previous vintages. Anticipated maturity: 2012-2024.
Guado al Tasso莊園佔地320公頃位於小而著名海岸邊的Bolgheri產區,距離佛羅倫薩西南約一百公里。Bolgheri位於群山環繞劇場型的山谷中,這是一個美麗的平原,周圍環繞著連綿起伏的山坡,面向Tyrrhenian海,大海氣候溫和,微風不斷,減輕夏季炎熱,緩解冬季惡劣天氣,形成了一個獨特的小氣候,莊園的葡萄園位於圓形劇場的腳下,寒冷的夜間微風使葡萄樹涼爽,這些特殊的氣候條件賦予葡萄明顯的香氣,並保證葡萄的完美成熟。
Guado al Tasso設計了一個帶有Della Gherardesca家族徽章和首字母DG的標籤,是代表向前莊園主致敬。