Le Marquis de Calon Ségur
商品類別: Bordeaux產區, Château Calon Ségur, France, 所有品項, 葡萄酒
酒款資訊: 750ml, 紅酒
- 全館滿 $4000 即享免運優惠
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France, Bordeaux
Le Marquis de Calon Ségur
The estate’s Second Wine offers a different interpretation of the Calon terroir. With an average of 75% Merlot in the blends, Le Marquis de Calon Ségur is totally distinct from the First Wine. “It benefits from a true expression of its own”, underlines Vincent Millet. “The plots are separated out from the beginning.” Le Marquis de Calon Ségur provides immediate enjoyment, warmth and a velvety texture. It is carefully aged generally for 17 months in oak barrels, a third of which are new. Deliciously easy-drinking, silky and expressive, its charm comes to the fore, while at the same time bringing to our minds the elegance of the Grand Vin.