
  • Chateau de Laubade Armagnac Collection Vintages 珍藏單一年份 1971

    NT$ 9,000
    序號 年份 酒精度數 容量 訂價/瓶 得獎紀錄
    1 1971 40° 500ml $9,000
    2 1970 40° 500ml $9,500
    3 1969 40° 500ml $13,500 2006年度 SFWSC世界烈酒大賽~金牌
    4 1968 40° 500ml $10,000
    5 1967 40° 500ml $11,000 2007年度 Wine Enthusiast 96分
    6 1966 40° 500ml $12,500
    7 1965 40° 500ml $16,000
    8 1964 40° 500ml $16,500
    9 1963 40° 500ml $17,000 2003年度 SFWSC世界烈酒大賽~金牌
    10 1962 40° 500ml $18,000
    11 1961 40° 500ml $21,500
    12 1960 40° 500ml $25,000 2010年度 USC 烈酒大賽 95分
    13 1959 40° 500ml $31,000
    14 1957 40° 500ml $42,000
    15 1956 40° 500ml $61,000
    16 1955 40° 500ml $68,000
    17 1952 40° 500ml $43,000
    18 1949 40° 500ml $53,000
    19 1939 40° 500ml $63,000
  • Chateau de Laubade Armagnac Celebration Vintages 歡慶單一年份 2002

    NT$ 4,500


    序號 年份 酒精度數 容量 訂價/瓶 得獎紀錄
    1 2002 40° 700ml $4,500
    2 2001 40° 700ml $4,500
    3 2000 40° 700ml $4,500
    4 1999 40° 700ml $4,500
    5 1998 40° 700ml $4,300
    6 1997 40° 700ml $4,500
    7 1996 40° 700ml $4,500
    8 1995 40° 700ml $4,500
    9 1994 40° 700ml $4,800
    10 1993 40° 700ml $5,000
    11 1992 40° 700ml $5,100
    12 1991 40° 700ml $5,200
    13 1990 40° 700ml $5,300
    14 1989 40° 700ml $5,400
    15 1988 40° 700ml $5,500
    16 1987 40° 700ml $5,600
    17 1986 40° 700ml $5,700
    18 1985 40° 700ml $5,800 2011 USC Finale 烈酒大賽 ~決賽 (94分)
    2000 Concours de Paris Bronze Medal 巴黎農產品競賽~銅牌
    19 1984 40° 700ml $6,000
    20 1983 40° 700ml $6,300
    21 1982 40° 700ml $6,500 2009 Wine Enthusiast 96-100 分
    22 1981 40° 700ml $7,000 2011 SFWSC Double Gold Medals 世界烈酒大賽 ~雙金牌
    2011 SFWSC Best Armagnac of the Year 世界烈酒大賽~最佳年度雅馬邑白蘭地
    23 1980 40° 700ml $7,300 2010年度 WSA世界烈酒大賞~金牌 (91分)
    24 1979 40° 700ml $7,500 2004年度 ISC 國際烈酒大賽~銅牌
    25 1978 40° 700ml $8,000 2008年度 SFWSC世界烈酒大賽~雙金牌
    26 1976 40° 700ml $9,000
    27 1975 40° 700ml $9,500
    28 1974 40° 700ml $10,000 2007年度 SFWSC世界烈酒大賽~雙金牌
    1997年度 巴黎農產品競賽~銅牌
    1997年度 法國 Eauze雅馬邑白蘭地競賽~金牌
    29 1973 40° 700ml $10,500
    30 1972 40° 700ml $11,000
  • Chateau de Laubade Armagnac EXTRA

    NT$ 13,000

    【龍堡】 引以為傲的經典精品,慎選均齡32-40年陳年原酒精心調配,高雅細緻,搭配核桃乾果、巧克力點心及濃縮咖啡,魅力無比。
    香 氣:乾燥水果、牛軋糖、椰漿、可可、鞣革、橡木、蜂蜜、糖漬橘皮、菸草,口感有如杏桃果蜜及鮮奶油般的香甜,豐厚濃郁,綿密細緻。
    TASTING NOTES: Aromatic finesse, orange peel, cinnamon, roasting and toast. The XO is to be enjoyed as a digestif with friends or family. To be discovered with a Pont l’Évêque or a Livarot, a tarte Tatin, a chocolate or plain soufflé, flambéed with the same XO.

  • Chateau de Laubade Armagnac X.O.

    NT$ 4,900

    【龍堡】 招牌經典,呈明亮溫暖的古銅色,由12年~25年不同年份陳年原酒調合而成,典雅微妙。入口香濃,尾韻悠久。
    TASTING NOTES: Aromatic finesse, orange peel, cinnamon, roasting and toast. The XO is to be enjoyed as a digestif with friends or family. To be discovered with a Pont l’Évêque or a Livarot, a tarte Tatin, a chocolate or plain soufflé, flambéed with the same XO.

  • Chateau de Laubade Armagnac VSOP

    NT$ 2,300

    【龍堡】 慎選均齡 6-12年陳年原酒精心調配,可當開胃酒或是搭配清爽甜點或淡味咖啡。
    香 氣: 成熟水果、李子、糕點、香草、柑橘
    TASTING NOTES: Nose of ripe fruit, vanilla and plum, smooth and delicate on the palate. The VSOP is a “pleasure” blend to be enjoyed as a digestif or as an aperitif. With a sweet curdled cream cheese with honey, guarigette strawberries with cane sugar followed by a light coffee.

  • Chateau de Laubade Armagnac Blanche

    NT$ 1,500

    The Armagnac Laubade la Blanche is a armagnac produced by Château De Laubade with roots in France. Distilled from 100% Folle-Blanch known for being incredibly aromatic. This incredible precise spirit is of the highest quality and explodes with fruit and floral aromas. It fills a great void somewhere between vodka and gin. Blanche Armagnac seems new-aged, but is actually a farmhouse product that distillers have long enjoyed when looking for something a little more forgiving than its aged older brother. This surprising and lively spirit can be sipped chilled or will really enhance any vodka based cocktail.