
  • 特價

    Trinoro Franchetti Tenuta Di Trinoro Palazzi 2019

    原始價格:NT$ 8,000。目前價格:NT$ 7,200。

    由於霜凍和寒冷的春天,這個莊園的一些葡萄園的收穫日期很晚。 但Merlot是第一個在 9 月 14 日之前脫離葡萄藤的葡萄。 Tenuta di Trinoro 2019 Palazzi 是Merlot的純粹表現,其果實來自 Palazzi 葡萄園,其特點是粘土稠密。 這款酒的濃郁度是最突出的,黑色水果、香料、甜煙草和麵包師巧克力的可愛細微差別助長了這種力量。 酒精含量為 15.5%。 Palazzi 在口感方面表現出色。 只有這種葡萄才能實現這裡的順滑豐富和深度柔軟。 此外,這似乎只有在未被發現的托斯卡納被稱為 Sarteano 的這個壯觀、陽光普照的角落才有可能。

    Because of frost and a cold spring, some of the vineyard parcels at this estate saw late harvest dates. But the Merlot was the first to come off the vines by the 14th of September. The Tenuta di Trinoro 2019 Palazzi is a pure expression of Merlot with incoming fruit from the Palazzi vineyard that is characterized by dense clay soils. The wine’s intensity is what stands out most, and that power is fueled by lovely nuances of black fruit, spice, sweet tobacco and baker’s chocolate. The alcohol content weighs in at 15.5%. Palazzi excels in terms of mouthfeel. The smooth richness and deep softness achieved here is only possible with this grape. Furthermore, it seems only possible in this spectacular, sun-drenched corner of undiscovered Tuscany known as Sarteano.

    Drink Date : 2022 – 2045

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    這是一款似波爾多風格的葡萄酒,“Le Cupole”是莊園的第二款葡萄酒,酒體呈天鵝絨般的酒紅色,帶有黑色水果和煙燻、香料等氣味。在這款充滿活力和豐富的2015年份葡萄酒中,與其他來自托斯卡納周圍山坡的絕大多數葡萄酒相比,此款葡萄酒質地更加精緻豐富,口感略帶甜味。

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