
顯示第 190 至 198 項結果,共 200 項

  • Robert Mondavi Napa Valley Chardonnay 2017 那帕山谷夏多內白酒

    NT$ 1,600

    天鵝絨般的結構,這瓶 2017年的那帕山谷夏多內白酒表現出多汁蜜桃、烤梨子、芭樂、烤鳳梨的豐盛風味,伴隨著檸檬皮、榛果的清香。每一口都能嚐到他的濃郁烤水果香氣,融合後化為一個令人垂涎欲滴的長遠結尾,給人一種奢華的感受。


  • Robert Mondavi Chardonnay Reserve 2015 精選夏多內白酒

    NT$ 3,050



  • 特價

    Emidio Pepe Pecorino Colli Aprutini 2018

    NT$ 2,700

    Colli Aprutini Pecorino by Emidio Pepe rises from the organic and biodynamic vineyards of the Teramo municipality of Torano Nuovo, in the heart of the suggestive hills of Abruzzo. It is obtained entirely with Pecorino grapes, harvested by hand with careful selection of the bunches in the vineyard. Fermentation occurs spontaneously in cement-vitrified tanks, followed by aging in the bottle before being placed on the market.

    It is characterized by a deep straw yellow color. The nose features notes of apricot in jam and lemon zest, enriched with intriguing hints of honey and chamomile. In the mouth it reveals a refined and creamy wine, medium-bodied, with a finish of beautiful freshness. The marriage between this white wine and caciucco or cod is perfect, it goes perfectly with first courses based on vegetables and pasta with lamb ragù.

  • 特價

    Emidio Pepe Trebbiano d’Abuzzo 2018

    NT$ 1,850

    A small oenological gem that exhibits variety and breadth, qualities that make this white wine a unique example of biodynamic viticulture. The terroir, at the foot of the Gran Sasso, is something special: the sharp temperature swings between day and night “stress” the grapes enough to make them release intense aromas and the proximity to the Adriatic Sea brings that mineral and savoury tone that makes the drink satisfying and memorable. Scents, salinity and freshness are the three main characteristics of Emidio Pepe’s Trebbiano d’Abruzzo, who wanted and was able to transfer biodynamic agriculture to his vineyards, combining the experience of a great producer with modern production techniques. Emidio Pepe’s Trebbiano d’Abruzzo is crushed with the feet, just like in the past, in wooden vats and left to ferment spontaneously in vitrified cement tanks, where it will age for a few months.

    It has a bright straw yellow colour and is slightly veiled. The nose has very interesting notes of ripe white fruits, dried fruits, sunflowers and clay. It is dry, savoury and full in the mouth, with a pleasantly imprecise drinkability.

  • Nativ Falanghina 2015 那提維 法拉白酒

    NT$ 850


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    Nativ 25 Rare 2017 那提維 25 稀有白酒 2017

    NT$ 1,485

    這款25 Rare白酒是由100% Greco di Tufo白葡萄釀製而成,如水晶般清澈耀眼的絢爛色澤,具有清亮的柑橘、梨子和桃子等美好的味道,並顯露出花崗石和板岩的礦石味,一入口彷彿一到清流直通胃裡,超凡脫俗的特性讓人如法抗拒。

  • 特價

    Nativ Suadens Bianco 2020 那提維 速艾登白酒

    NT$ 1,485


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    Crasto Douro White 2017 克雷斯托 斗羅白酒

    NT$ 621


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    El Enemigo Semillon 2018

    NT$ 1,125

    2018年的 El Enemigo Semillon 是以早期阿根廷廣泛種植的葡萄品種所生產的,如今卷土重來。此款酒在橡木桶中發酵成熟,完美的與該品種融合在一起。酒體輕巧好入口,具有豐富而細膩的酸度,可以一再回味的蜜糖香。粗獷大方的風格,充沛有力,並帶有大量橡木桶的香氣。體現出木瓜和洋槐的香氣,口感呈現奶油般的香草味,並帶有成熟的桃子和芒果風味。生產3000瓶。