Château de Tracy 2019 Mademoiselle de T 普依芙媚T小姐白酒
NT$ 1,450
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France, Loire Valley
Pale yellow, silvery gray reflections, shiny.
Château de Tracy 2019 Mademoiselle de T 普依芙媚T小姐白酒
The nose: The first exotic nose is explosive. It develops a very beautiful variation of the character of Sauvignon: boxwood, blackcurrant bud and honeysuckle. Airing clarifies and amplifies these scents, to which are added citrus notes, supported by more subtle hints of curry and saffron, which bring depth to the whole.
Taste: The attack is clean, lively, straight. The bouquet is complex, marked by citrus fruits then exotic fruit (mango, passion). The mouth provides a salivating sensation and offers a nice volume. It admirably declines all the aromatic palette perceived on the nose and continues with fresher notes such as grapefruit zest, followed by saline notes.
Chateau de Tracy
Tracy Hill 山丘區含矽石和灰岩,造就獨特濃冽個性,而 Plateau du Champs de Cri 平原區則為石灰岩、黏土及遠古海洋生物化石組成。多樣性的土壤相互輝映,翠西城堡 Pouilly-Fumé 因此表現特別果香飽滿,層次豐富、高雅濃郁。
翠西城堡主戴希姐妹是蘇格蘭貴族 Stutt 的後裔。十五世紀Stutt 家族帯領龐大軍隊, 由蘇格蘭渡海到法國幫助法國國王查理七世贏得百年戰爭,立功受封入籍後改姓為 d’Estutt 或 Destutt。
在1586年,François de Stutt 和 Dame de Tracy 翠西貴族家女兒聯婚,兩大世家合體,後代子女冠上覆姓 Destutt de Tracy,承襲貴族頭銜與翠西城堡。
Destutt de Tracy 家族後代名人輩出,與自家美麗的城堡與 Pouilly-Fumé 家釀一樣精彩。 其中最著名的是Antoine Louis Claude 伯爵 (1754~1836),另譯德‧特拉西或德崔希,為哲學家、 法國自由主義經濟學家與啟蒙運動思想家,與 Lafatte 侯爵及美國 Jefferson 總統為至交。