Dominique Laurent Chambertin Clos de Beze Grand Cru 1996

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France, Burgundy




Pinot Noir

Dominique Laurent Chambertin Clos de Beze Grand Cru 1996

1995年份 RP 95-97
1997年份 RP 93-95

1995 Dominique Laurent • Chambertin Clos de Bèze Grand Cru
Produced from vines over 80 years old, the dark ruby-colored Chambertin Clos de Beze has incredibly floral (orange blossoms, violets, and vine flowers) and blackberry scents that jump from the glass. This wine’s explosive attack is packed with cassis and blueberries as well as earth tones for additional complexity. A precise, dense, full-bodied blockbuster, it possesses, great depth as well as an exemplary finish. Anticipated maturity: 2005-2015. This note is the result of tastings I did in Burgundy between January 7 and January 29. The wine was tasted from cask, not bottle. Pinot Noir, a fragile varietal, reacts poorly to fining, filtration, and careless bottling techniques, I recommend caution when considering buying a red burgundy based on cask samples. I called it as I tasted it, and hope the bottled wine reflects the quality of the samples I was provided.


Dominique Laurent

原本是糕點師傅的 Dominique Laurent 對葡萄酒有無比的熱愛,於是在90 年代初期於 Nuits-St-Georges 成立酒商公司,向指定的酒農購買年歲甚高的荖藤葡萄或原酒到自己的酒窖內進行培養。Dominique 是位極具天份的釀酒天才擁有一套獨特的釀酒哲學,嚴謹及力求完美的態度已是所有酒界的典範,不炒作、不誇大,以酒質本身向世人展現他的美學。

Dominique Laurent釀製過程中,以最少人為干涉的狀況下進行陳化,不添加二氧化硫也不進行澄清與過濾,保留葡萄酒最多的風味,採用手工裝瓶,展現極致的風土特色,Laurent被喻為「木桶魔術師」,對於木桶的使用非常著重,為了得到品質最好的木桶,他不惜砸下重資建立了自己的製桶廠,更被列為全世界最佳的製桶廠之一,他購買300年以上的樹木木材,回來後要歷經52個月的風乾,他的木桶厚度高達4-4.5公分遠比一般市上的2-3公分厚實很多,更被列為全世界最佳的製桶廠之一,慕名而來的名莊數不勝數,但他只願賣給最高級的酒莊,如酒王DRC、Zind Humbrect、西班牙Clos Mogador, Pingus等一票知名酒莊所採用,幾乎所有 Laurent 的酒都將近 100% 的高比例新桶培養,但經過時間陳年,開瓶時卻是無比美味。

經過近三十年的精益求精,Dominique Laurent是少數被Robert Parker評為最高等級”Outstanding”的五星級酒莊,與DRC、Leroy、Dujac、Ponsot等齊名,已儼然以酒商之姿名列布根地頂尖酒莊之林。Dominique Laurent更受法國最重要的葡萄酒評論指南Bettane & Desseauve Le Grand Guide des Vins de France 2020中被評為五星等級的頂尖酒廠(同樣被評為五星的有DRC、Leroy等。2020年版本,夜丘被評為五星級的酒莊加起來僅有13家)

