Faiveley Hospices de Nuits Nuits St. Georges Les Didiers Cuvee Fagon 2002

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NT$ 6,500

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France, Burgundy



100% Pinot Noir

Faiveley Hospices de Nuits Nuits St. Georges Les Didiers Cuvee Fagon 2002

產        區 : Burgundy , French

葡萄品種 : 100% Pinot Noir



Its perfect eastern exposure gives Nuits-Saint- Georges the ability to produce wines of great prestige. The appellation, almost exclusively restricted to red wines, is grown on strictly defined areas in Nuits-Saint-Georges and Premeaux-Prissey. Nuits-Saint-Georges generally has a deep red colour. The aromas are powerful and complex: a combination of cherry and black current, and as it reaches maturity, one detects nuances of forest vegetation, truffles with spicy and animal connotations. Nuits-Saint-Georges has one of the highest tannin contents of all the Burgundies. Its firm structure guarantees a long cellarage capability. It opens out at between five and ten years, and a great vintage can be kept up to twenty years. The taste of young wine can be improved by transferring it to a carafe before drinking, so allowing it to breathe. The robust quality of this wine makes it a suitable companion for any flavourful dish. Mature wine 15-16˚C (59-60˚F) Young wine 12˚C (54˚F).

Nuits-St-Georges Les Didiers: the southern neighbor of Les-Saint-Geoges, it forms the bridge the commune of Premeaux, where the wines are considered to be more sturdy and rich but with less refinement. The soil is deep, mixed with sand and clay over the Comblanchien marble base. It is a monopole of the Hospices de Nuits.

This wine compliments Venison pâté; haunch of young wild boar; leg of mutton cooked for seven hours; all cheeses other than blue.


