Luciano Sandrone Barbera D’Alba 2018

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NT$ 1,300

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Italy, Piedmont




Barbera 100%

Luciano Sandrone Barbera D’Alba 2018

100% Barbera. The nose shows black plum aromas, as it opens up it reveals more black and red fruits, vanilla and spicy notes. On the palate, the characteristic freshness is front and center, with a core a fruit and tannins to give balance and length. The finish is very fresh, with bright bursts of fruit and acid.
94 points – Wine Advocate
“The Luciano Sandrone 2018 Barbera d’Alba is a wine of remarkable smoothness and integration. There are absolutely no sharp edges here, as this Barbera is polished and buffed over twice for good measure. It is packed tight with luscious dark fruit and blackberry preserves. That dark core is framed by light touches of Indian spice, campfire ash and truffle. There is a note of cherry sweetness on the close, but it is beautifully softened by all that rich intensity. If you are a fan of the Barbera grape, let me draw your attention to this tremendous value.”
92 points – Wine & Spirits
“Barbera’s signature high acidity comes streaming through in the moderate 2018 vintage, infusing this wine’s juicy raspberry and strawberry flavors with verve and energy. The fruit comes from vineyards in Novello and Monforte d”Alba, and the wine rested for one year in French oak tonneaux (25% new), gaining lush tannins and spice notes to balance the racy acidity.”
92 points – James Suckling
“A rich, round-textured barbera with plum and berry character and hints of orange peel. It’s full-bodied and velvety. Flavorful finish. Drink or hold.”


Luciano Sandrone

Sandrone酒莊成立於1978年,雖然酒莊裡擺放著1973-1977年的老酒,但那是莊主 Luciano Sandrone 的父親自己釀來跟朋友親戚分享用的,1977年 Luciano 買下了一部分Cru等級的 Cannubi 葡萄園,在父母親的家裡開始少量釀造自己的酒款,並採用當時才剛開始出現的現代化釀酒設備,具備創新的個性激勵他,要在傳統的基礎上結合現代科技釀出更優雅細緻和純淨的酒。


Luciano 於1973年從釀酒學校畢業後,在Giacomo Borgogno酒莊學習釀酒5年,再到 Marchesi di Barolo酒莊當釀酒師直到1990年。Luciano從這兩家歷史悠久的酒莊學得釀製 Barolo 的高深技巧。1982年時,他在VinItaly得到一位國際批發商帶來的機運,1500瓶的1978年Barolo全部被買下,銷售至全世界,Luciano Sandrone優異的品質,馬上受到世界上葡萄酒愛好者及酒評家得讚賞。小他20歲的弟弟Luca也從釀酒學校畢業,並於1992年進入酒莊工作,目前負責葡萄園的管理,已成為哥哥的得力助手。Luciano 的女兒Barbara現在負責酒莊的接待及公關工作。




酒莊生產六款酒,其中兩款Cru等級的單一葡萄園Barolo Le Vigne、Barolo Cannubi Boschis都深具複雜性及結構層次,忠實反應歷史文化,以及展現細緻、優雅芳香的Barolo,純淨、濃縮果味及丹寧,也完美地呈現出該葡萄園傑出的日照時間及土壤特性。


1989及1990年份的Barolo Cannubi Boschis因為Robert Parker給予了97分及96分的高分,因而在世界市場中廣受矚目,這可是Barolo史上難得的高分!


當然,2001年份的Barolo Cannubi Boschis榮獲日本漫畫”神之雫”的第六使徒,更是讓Sandrone的酒造成搶購甚至一瓶難求。

