Luciano Sandrone , Barolo Aleste 2016

商品類別: , , , , 酒款資訊: ,

NT$ 5,175

  • 全館滿 $4000 即享免運優惠
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Italy, Piemonte



Luciano Sandrone , Barolo Aleste 2016

98 – Robert Parker

現有年份:2015 / 2017 /2018


98 – Robert Parker

The Luciano Sandrone 2016 Barolo Aleste is a very special wine for several reasons. First, we get that exceedingly smooth and seamless quality that we saw in many of the other new releases in this portfolio. This trait sums up the house style. Second, this vintage delivers impeccable intensity that transcends the various fruit, spice, earthy and ethereal components of the bouquet. That equal intensity spread across all parts of the wine is what creates those beautiful transitions. The wine is layered and rich in terms of mouthfeel with a long, fruit and spice-driven finish. The tannins are tucked in at the back, surrounded amply by the wine’s textural richness and fruit weight.

The team at Luciano Sandrone always has exciting news to report. In October of last year, they launched their newest wine, the 2013 Vite Talin, which I awarded 100 points. This year, the 2014 vintage will hit the market. I awarded that wine 96 points, and you can find those reviews (plus a sneak peek at the upcoming 2015 vintage) in our database.

適飲期 : 2024-2055


