顯示第 1099 至 1107 項結果,共 1359 項依最新項目排序

NT$ 1,100 原始價格:NT$ 1,100。NT$ 900目前價格:NT$ 900。
以Dessert Sake畫下完美句點,香氣柔和、輕快爽口,融入一絲絲甜潤,巧妙的酸香恰到好處,甜而不膩,適合搭配香草冰淇淋、戚風蛋糕等甜點,充滿了愉悅幸福感令人無法抵抗!
水芭蕉 藝術家系列 Mizubasho Artist Series
因氣候暖化變遷對生態圈的影響,加上梅花鹿啃食水芭蕉花,造成水芭蕉急速減少、森林植被也遭到破壞,為了保護尾瀨國家公園的自然環境,永井酒造攜手三条印刷、東京 Power Technology,共同推廣水芭蕉的復興計畫。
因此,永井酒造開發了「Mizubasho Artist Series」,並將捐贈銷售所得的 5% 用於栽種水芭蕉、培育幼苗作業。此次計畫還特別與藝術家「片岡鶴太郎」聯手,繪製水芭蕉酒標;且將與在各個不同領域活躍的女性名人進行推廣合作。
- 和藝術家聯名
- 搭餐年輕化
- 不標示特定名稱酒
- 結合永續發展觀點創造附加價值
- 對應 Vegan 主義

NT$ 1,180 原始價格:NT$ 1,180。NT$ 950目前價格:NT$ 950。
承襲「Nagai Style」,融合新世代潮流趨勢,推出一系列更加年輕化、不拘泥也可以輕鬆享受的餐酒搭配,由Sparkling開頭,輕輕斟入香檳杯中,氣泡細緻而綿密,適合搭配水果優格沙拉等較清爽的前菜料理。
水芭蕉 藝術家系列 Mizubasho Artist Series
因氣候暖化變遷對生態圈的影響,加上梅花鹿啃食水芭蕉花,造成水芭蕉急速減少、森林植被也遭到破壞,為了保護尾瀨國家公園的自然環境,永井酒造攜手三条印刷、東京 Power Technology,共同推廣水芭蕉的復興計畫。
因此,永井酒造開發了「Mizubasho Artist Series」,並將捐贈銷售所得的 5% 用於栽種水芭蕉、培育幼苗作業。此次計畫還特別與藝術家「片岡鶴太郎」聯手,繪製水芭蕉酒標;且將與在各個不同領域活躍的女性名人進行推廣合作。
- 和藝術家聯名
- 搭餐年輕化
- 不標示特定名稱酒
- 結合永續發展觀點創造附加價值
- 對應 Vegan 主義

NT$ 1,430 原始價格:NT$ 1,430。NT$ 1,050目前價格:NT$ 1,050。
飄散溫婉自然米旨香氣,口感純淨淡麗, 酒體輕柔,猶如藝術家「片岡鶴太郎」先生親筆執畫的水芭蕉,在舌尖上綻放優美姿態,適合搭配鹽烤雞肉、檸檬白身魚、海鮮料理等。

NT$ 1,780 原始價格:NT$ 1,780。NT$ 1,600目前價格:NT$ 1,600。
飲用時可以同時享受到純米酒獨特旨味,以及口中爽快的氣泡感,再加上尾段辛口的收斂感,將帶給喜愛日本酒的同好不同新鮮的感受。此款為米其林三星餐廳指定用酒「水芭蕉瓶內二次發酵 PURE」的原點。

NT$ 2,100 原始價格:NT$ 2,100。NT$ 1,900目前價格:NT$ 1,900。
採用契約栽培的兵庫山田錦,充滿白桃以及洋梨的果香氣息;優雅且柔軟的酒感, 讓飲用的時候會聯想到有如「水芭蕉之花」的感受。

NT$ 1,580 原始價格:NT$ 1,580。NT$ 1,380目前價格:NT$ 1,380。
『⾕川岳』為⽇本百⼤名⼭之⼀,位於群⾺ 縣與新潟縣交界處。銘柄命名為『⾕川岳』,俐落爽⼝的表現如 男⼦漢,將壯麗⼭岳立於⼤⾃然的形象表露無遺。
四⽩桃純淨的香氣,入⼝滑順,酒體飽滿, ⼝感略為辛⼝且帶有膨脹感的旨味,尾韻毫 不拖泥帶⽔,清澈的酒質宛若⾕川岳⼭群的⼭清⽔秀。

The 2005 Mazis Chambertin Vieilles Vignes represents a true old vines selection, inasmuch as the young vines that are inter-planted are picked and vinified separately. A bit reduced and animal on the nose, it opens to a beautiful, concentrated expression of cherry and raspberry confiture on the palate, with both juicy fresh fruit and lightly caramelized aspects as well, and with deep, rich, roasted underlying meatiness and a wet stone and graphite mineral character. Creamy in texture, generous in its ripeness and sweetness of fruit, yet clear, refined, and strikingly mineral in its formidable, expansive length, this is a compelling wine yet one that is almost surely not showing its full potential today.

From another parcel Laurent says is unusually rocky and thinly sub-soiled for its appellation (in this instance, next to Le Musigny), his two barrels of Grands Echezeaux Vieilles Vignes offer aromas of candied cherry and vanilla, a liqueur-like, almost confectionary and imposingly creamy palate impression, and a finish in which sheer ripeness, allied to notes of vanilla, caramel and coconut-shavings, make for a flamboyant display of oak-encased fruit. For clarity, purity, length, and sheer richness and sweetness of fruit, this is hard to fault, and I wonder whether the impression of extraneous woodiness is a momentary phase. Surprisingly, Laurent finds it necessary to routinely chaptalize the fruit of these eighty year-old vines (“a different strain of old Pinot” he calls them), reporting that even in 2003 it barely reached 12.5% potential alcohol.

2005 Dominique Laurent • Clos Vougeot Vieilles Vignes
Representing three barrels from old vines in the Maupertui section that he says give regular if low yields and (in contrast with his nearby Grands Echezeaux) consistently high sugar (“13.7% even in 1998″), Laurent’s 2005 Clos Vougeot Vieilles Vignes offers deeply-rich aromas and flavors of almost candied black cherry fruit, roasted meats and soy. This is a wine that takes ones palate by storm, displaying enormous breadth and grip, abundant tannins, and detached but not excessive vanilla and resin notes of new wood. It will need a decade, I suspect, even to approach harmonious drinkability.