尾瀨雪融 純米大吟釀 隠酒
NT$ 1,850伴隨著舒服的金合歡花蜜香。交織著新鮮柑橘帶著酸與清新感果實味。可以感受到純米大吟釀柔和、優雅。
顯示第 685 至 693 項結果,共 1359 項依最新項目排序
The 2020 Dolcetto d’Alba is a wine of extreme beauty. Pliant and expressive, with terrific depth, the 2020 is wonderfully deep. Dark cherry, licorice, sandalwood, spice and leather lend notable complexity. This is such a great example of what Dolcetto is and can be.
禁 止 酒 駕 未 滿 十 八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒 |