
Roberto Voerzio Cerequio Barolo 2008
NT$ 10,900
- 全館滿 $4000 即享免運優惠
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Italy, Piemonte
Nebbiolo 100%
Roberto Voerzio Cerequio Barolo 2008
《Wine Advocate》
The 2008 Barolo Cerequio comes across as dark, powerful and rich. Black cherries, leather, spices, licorice and tar are some of the nuances that take shape in this intense Cerequio. Here, too, the flavors are dark and brooding. With time in the glass, the Cerequio turns suave, polished and elegant, all qualities that are typical of this site, but the 2008 never fully drops its sheer muscle. The 2008 remains big, powerful and structured. A finessed finish covers every inch of the palate with small bursts of energetic dark red fruit. This is another drop-dead gorgeous wine from Roberto and Davide Voerzio. Little of the early appeal and sensuality that is typical of Cerequio is to be found in the 2008, so readers will have to be patient. Anticipated maturity: 2018-2028.
These wines from Roberto and Davide Voerzio represent a significant turning point stylistically. This is the first year in which most of the Baroli were aged partly in cask and partly in barrel, the same approach the estate used for its early wines, up to and including the 1993 vintage. The 2008s spent their first year in equal parts cask and barrique, and a second year in French oak barrels, just 20% new, a major change over the recent past. The exceptions are the Baroli Voerzio bottled only in magnums (Sarmassa and Vecchie Viti dei Capalot e delle Brunate), which were aged exclusively in French oak because of the tiny quantities of those wines. Roberto Voerzio describes 2008 as a year that was cold from start to finish. The wines are huge, tannic and likely to require quite a bit of patience. With time, though, the pedigree of the great Barolo vineyards simply can’t be denied. The best of Voerzio’s 2008s are pure magic.
Roberto Voerzio
酒莊以主人Roberto Voerzio的名字命名,他同時也是釀酒師,Roberto Voerzio酒莊建立於1986年,位於義大利Piedmont的Langhe鎮,部分葡萄園的歷史可追朔到西元1250年。葡萄園初始僅2公頃,通過收購葡萄園,包括布魯納特(Brunate)、薩拉(La Serra)、斯麗瑰(Cerequio)和巴貝拉(Barbera d’Alba),擴大到近30公頃。每年6到7月,Roberto Veorzio會對已經成熟的葡萄果串進行大量的采剪,只留下中心部分的小串,以保留最大限度的糖分,令所釀造的葡萄酒極具濃郁度和陳年潛力。
採用極少人為干預的葡萄園管理和釀酒過程,20多年來Roberto Veorzio一直尊重自然和風土的哲學理念。 Roberto Veorzio通過葉子的顏色和活力判斷葡萄藤需要多少養分,隨後親手以有機肥和腐蝕土為肥料給葡萄藤施肥。Roberto Veorzio從不用化學肥料,除草劑,殺菌劑以及其他可能干擾葡萄藤生長週期或葡萄成熟的化學物質。每株葡萄樹只留下5至8個萌芽。7月中旬超過50%的葡萄摘除丟棄,每株只留下5串。8月中旬再剪掉葡萄串的底部,使葡萄串變小,讓養份集中在上半部。這樣使得葡萄的產量十分低,每顆葡萄樹幾乎不到一瓶的超低產量。也正因如此,使Roberto Veorzio的葡萄都非常健康飽滿,有著極高的糖分和芳香,因此發酵後釀出的葡萄酒也一樣的芳香醇厚。
Roberto Veorzio的產量非常低:在20多公頃的土地上僅僅年產40,000到60,000瓶酒。因此,Roberto Voerzio的名字也和那些產量極少、極具釀造哲學,極受酒評家 Robert Parker & Wine Spectator 列入 “神秘膜拜酒” 的行列。
「Roberto Voerzio是我所遇見過的最狂熱的釀酒師之一。他執著於酒的品質,及Barolo風土的極致表現。若最終的結果不能令他滿意,他寧願選擇放棄。Voerzio的理念是以葡萄園為中心,他堅持非常低的產量,這在Barolo地區是非常少見的。」
Robert Parker
There are some exceptions, as always. The most obvious are the wines of Barolo master Roberto Voerzio. The guy is a genius for making dense, layered yet balanced great Nebbiolos, even in less-than-perfect years. He’s a special man making special wines. Barolo 的天才大師 Roberto Voerzio.
Wine Spectator
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