Carlo Tanganelli Anatraso Bianco 2018
NT$ 1,300柑橘、白桃、草本和橙花香緩緩展開,第一口鮮活充沛的酸度,將滿滿的熱帶水果、橙香和芬芳白花領入口。中段帶有蘋果乾、茶香和礦石風味。整體香醇均衡,一款高回頭率的橘酒。
適合搭配 鄉村手扒雞、墨西哥塔可、韓式海苔飯捲。
Showing 667–675 of 1178 results
適合搭配 鄉村手扒雞、墨西哥塔可、韓式海苔飯捲。
Back in 2006, this estate farmed approximately 25 hectares of vines, and the Valpolicella was just beginning to feel its new celebrity status, thanks to a new generation of vintners (to come after Quintarelli and Dal Forno) showing impressive results. The 2006 Amarone della Valpolicella Monte Lodoletta was born in a vintage that was not easy: It saw hail and above-average rainfall for much of the growing season. This expression opens to an inky dark appearance and heavy aromas of dried fruit, pressed blackberries and sun-dried prunes. There is a slightly sweeter side to this vintage (the residual sugar is up to ten grams per liter), and the mouthfeel offers enormous volume and richness. You get some jammy and raisiny fruit at the back. Like the 1990 vintage also tastes in this retrospective, this bottle from the 2006 vintage was slow to open and felt a bit closed initially. In fact, I gave it 94 points at that time. However, I recently opened a bottle of this same wine that I had in my cellar, and it was just stunning. It showed none of the shyness that I described above. Inspired by that second magical bottle, I went back and adjusted the drinking window and my score to the one you see here.
Dal Forno’s 2002 Valpolicella is a massively endowed effort revealing backward dark fruit, new leather, spices, herbs, roasted coffee beans and toasted oak on an imposing, tannic frame. Made in a super-concentrated style – even by Dal Forno’s standards – it will require several years of cellaring for the tannins to soften somewhat, although it is hard to imagine that will ever completely happen. Beginning with the 2002 vintage Dal Forno’s Valpolicella is made from 100% dried fruit, whereas in previous vintages the wine had been made only partially with dried fruit. Anticipated maturity: 2010-2017.
Romano Dal Forno is a humble, down to earth and extremely passionate person. Just a few minutes with Dal Forno are enough to understand his unwavering, some might say obsessive, pursuit of quality. I have never met a producer with such a maniacal approach to cleanliness in the cellar. Nothing is wasted here. As I tasted the drying grapes after the 2006 harvest one grape fell to the ground, but it was swiftly picked up by Dal Forno. The same aesthetic applies to Dal Forno’s work in the vineyards. Dal Forno’s newest plot is planted with an extremely dense 12,800 vines per hectare and can only be described as a work of surgical precision. Dal Forno uses roughly 60-70% Corvina, 10-15% Croatina, 10-15% Rondinella and a small amount of Oseleta for the Valpolicella and Amarone. The fruit from the estate’s younger vines goes into the Valpolicella, while Amarone is made from vineyards that range from 10 to 30 years of age.
酒質:2016 Profile 色澤亮麗,香氣撲鼻,香草、巧克力、烤香和櫻桃。 入口後能感受到這款酒的張力。 與 2015 年相比,這款酒更精細,有著其複雜性並且展現誘人、鹹味的風味和柔和的單寧。 2016 年Profile 將繼續發展並獲得多年的複雜性,這款酒可以保存長達 30 年。
「膜拜酒有時如曇花一現,但只有美儷谷酒莊的Profile在經過這麼多年後依然像星辰般閃亮」-Wine Enthusiast 雜誌
美儷谷酒莊把Napa Valley每一個年份的美好呈現在這款旗艦款的波爾多混釀紅酒裡。這款酒的葡萄100%來自於自家的葡萄園,人工採收之後再經過嚴格的手工撿果過程,僅有品質最佳的葡萄才有資格進入膜拜酒殿堂。繪影頂級精釀紅酒經得起時間的歷練,當然在年輕時飲用也非常可口,也因為極佳的品質,讓它以頂級膜拜酒之姿行銷全球市場。
美儷谷酒廠的前身建立於1933年,為禁酒令廢除之後建立的第一家酒廠。之後經過數十年的轉變,參與並見證了加州釀酒業的發展史。1983年由加州釀酒巨擘Bill Harlan與合夥人一起建立了Merryvale品牌。1996年由Schlatter家族接手經營,致力於釀造傑出的Cabernet Sauvignon與波爾多混釀紅酒。
美儷谷酒廠位於Napa Valley中心的St. Helena產區,亦致力於透過節能、使用再生能源與永續栽植的方式來保護環境,並已獲得綠能酒廠(Napa Green Land/ Napa Green Winery)的官方認證。
葡萄來自於Napa Valley三個高海拔的優質葡萄園,皆是手工採收並再經過三次嚴格的果實揀選程序,只使用品質最佳的果粒。接著經過長時間的浸泡,以萃取葡萄中的風味物質與顏色。此款酒是典型的波爾多混釀,發酵完成後在50%的法國新橡木桶中熟成22個月。
禁 止 酒 駕 未 滿 十 八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒 |