Trimbach Riesling (Clos Ste. Hune) 2011 聖亨園 麗絲玲白酒
NT$ 12,1502011年氣候炎熱,葡萄熟成完美,果香集中豐裕,口感圓潤,完美的深度與美妙優雅的礦物風味,尾韻悠長。
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餐酒搭配:這款酒適合搭配烤肉或法國乳酪,勇於嘗試的朋友也可試試法式燉兔肉(Rabbit Fricassee)
Barolo “Gavarini Chiniera” 真是款美麗優雅的酒,它的果實來自於海平面400公尺高的35年葡萄藤。高海拔可以塑造出更精緻的香氣。玫瑰、薰衣草、甘草、香料、瀝青、及李子等輕快活潑香味皆引起眾人注意。含在口中的佳釀慢慢地顯露出一絲櫻桃、香料及皮革等歡快風味。每一次的享用,都能有著不同的感受,真是場令人愉快的響宴啊!
Barolo “Ginestra Casa Mate” 所使用的葡萄樹來自於海平面高350公尺由沙及黏土混合的土壤。Gianluca說這裡通常是每年第一個開花的葡萄園,這也代表這裡所產的酒更有力飽滿。它有著黑果實、洋李、甘草、菸草及皮革等飽滿香氣。但這款酒不只充滿了力度,還帶有些女性的柔和-帶有甜美誘人的紅玫瑰花香尾韻,真叫人陶醉不已。
The current version of Rosso de Veo is a selection of the Bea estate’s younger Sagrantino vines, principally from the ‘Cerrete’ vineyard which graces the highest point in Montefalco, between 1300 and 1500 feet above sea level. The soil is clay and limestone infused with small pebbles from an ancient riverbed. This wine is vinified in a similar fashion to the single vineyard Sagrantino with a long cuvaison which extends forty to fifty days. The wine is then aged one year in stainless steel tanks, two years in large oak barrels and another year in bottle before release. The wine is not filtered. Production varies depending on vintage.
Montefalco Rosso Riserva “Pipparello”, made from Sangiovese, Sagrantino and Montepulciano, silky, warm, vibrant. A deep garnet colour, with warm, earthy, chocolatey, animal aromas and a core of sweet blackberries. It has a lovely silky mouthfeel, and a long finished speckled with minerals. It’s vibrant and intense – exactly what you’d expect from this esteemed winemaker. This wine spends 2 years in barrel before bottling. Only 700 cases of this wine were produced, so it is a truly artisan product.
禁 止 酒 駕 未 滿 十 八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒 |