Showing 28–36 of 133 results

  • Sale!

    Azelia Barolo San Rocco 2017

    NT$ 2,950

    《Wine Advocate》
    The Azelia 2017 Barolo San Rocco shows some tightness and firmness initially, but it ultimately reveals an open and accessible quality of fruit with dried raspberry, cherry and wild plum. Those fruit flavors take a sudden turn to embrace some of the more mineral aromas associated with Serralunga d’Alba, such as iron ore and rusty nail. This hot and dry vintage release of 7,500 bottles doesn’t show the same depth or complexity that we saw in the classic 2016 growing season. Instead, this wine is fruit forward and a little more contoured and streamlined overall. On the close, you do get a point of dusty astringency that should subside with time.

    適飲期: 2024 – 2042

  • Sale!

    Azelia Barolo Bricco Fiasco 2017

    NT$ 2,950

    《Wine Advocate》

    A product of 85-plus-year-old vines in Castiglione Falletto, the Azelia 2017 Barolo Bricco Fiasco is subdued and delicate, with linear fruit of wild plum and blackberry, plus hints of blue flower and pressed violet. The age of the vines and the depth of the root system in the loose soils of this site have helped to maintain balance and freshness during the hottest moments of this vintage. Indeed, this wine is more immediately silky in texture compared to Azelia’s wines from Serralunga d’Alba (like the Barolo Margheria also reviewed in this report). This release of 5,600 bottles presents a nice opportunity to try your hand at a delicate rabbit ravioli for a very special occasion a few years from now.

    適飲期: 2024 – 2040

  • Sale!

    Azelia Barolo Margheria 2017

    NT$ 2,950

    《Wine Advocate》

    The most structured and tannic of these new releases from Azelia is the 2017 Barolo Margheria. The tannins are quite present, meaning that you are required to afford generous aging time to this Barolo from Serralunga d’Alba, hoping that the fruit intensity will run the course. At this young stage, the wine shows blackberry and plum, with licorice, rusty nail and some crushed stone or terracotta clay. The wine’s mineral signature is strong and elegant. In appearance, it reveals a lean and bright ruby color, and the power and natural richness of the mouthfeel come as a welcome surprise. This was a release of about 5,900 bottles.

    適飲期: 2025 – 2042

  • Sale!

    Azelia Barolo 2017

    NT$ 1,600

    《Wine Advocate》

    The Azelia 2017 Barolo is fine and elegant, opening to a pretty ruby color that catches the ambient light. To the nose, it offers cherry and wild rose with licorice and campfire ash. You do notice the extra heft and dryness of the tannins, especially when the wine is tasted before its ideal drinking window. Luigi Scavino’s classic Barolo is a blend of seven vineyard sites: Altenasso and Solanotto in Castiglione Falletto; a part of Cerretta; the youngest vines in Bricco Voghera that are 55 to 60 years old (the fruit from the 90-year-old plants goes to the Riserva); and parts of San Rocco, Cerrati and Broglio in Serralunga d’Alba. Production stands at about 28,000 bottles.

    適飲期: 2024 – 2038

  • Carlo Tanganelli Hera 2017

    NT$ 1,000


  • Merryvale Merlot Napa Valley 2017 美儷谷納帕梅洛紅葡萄酒

    NT$ 2,600


    美儷谷酒廠的前身建立於1933年,為禁酒令廢除之後建立的第一家酒廠。之後經過數十年的轉變,參與並見證了加州釀酒業的發展史。1983年由加州釀酒巨擘Bill Harlan與合夥人一起建立了Merryvale品牌。1996年由Schlatter家族接手經營,致力於釀造傑出的Cabernet Sauvignon與波爾多混釀紅酒。

    美儷谷酒廠位於Napa Valley中心的St. Helena產區,亦致力於透過節能、使用再生能源與永續栽植的方式來保護環境,並已獲得綠能酒廠(Napa Green Land/ Napa Green Winery)的官方認證。

    果實來自Napa Valley南端較為涼爽的Coombsville與Carneros,完全人工採收並手工精細的揀選優質的果粒。不同葡萄園的果實各自獨立發酵,先進行約5天的低溫浸泡以萃取顏色和風味,再經過15-20天的酒精發酵,最後在40%的法國新桶中熟成18個月。

  • Two Hands The Showroom Series Wanderlust McLaren Vale Cabernet Sauvignon 2017「漫遊者」麥克羅蘭谷卡本內紅葡萄酒

    NT$ 2,500

    酒       質:酒色近似黑亮的酒紅色。香氣上是飽滿的黑醋栗與月桂葉交融的香氣,還有著迷迭香花朵、菸草與乾燥紫羅蘭的芬芳。入口後的感覺,可以用外柔內剛來形容,這款卡本內讓人第一印象感覺紮實,然而卻也展現出豐富的果香與酸度的均衡感。單寧是緊緻卻也充滿果味的,綿長的餘韻中夾雜著乾燥草本、黑巧克力與乾燥紫羅蘭氣息,十足漂亮、層次優雅的酒!

    雙手酒莊由Michael Twelftree與Richard Mintz兩位創始者於1999年創立。自創立之初,就致力於從澳洲最好的希哈(Shiraz)產區嚴選頂級的果實,以澳洲的代表品種希哈,創作出最好的葡萄酒。漫遊者Wanderlust是高端卡本內紅酒的代表,呈現出不可思議的純淨感,猶如漫遊在魔幻仙境。


  • Two Hands The Flagship Series Ares Shiraz 2017「戰神」旗艦系列希哈紅葡萄酒 – 限量供應

    NT$ 6,000

    酒       質:香氣聚含了糖漬黑莓、白花、五香、新鮮香草莢、黑胡椒粒與炭灰的氣息。偏向渾厚的酒體,深藏著能量,在味蕾上噴發飽滿的黑莓、藍莓風味盈滿整個口腔,風味如同龍捲風般席捲味蕾,帶著層次繁複的香氣,薰衣草、菸草、香草莢、可頌麵包。單寧交融在香氣中、帶出它的華美,酸度為這場香氣的龍捲風帶來清爽與清新感。十足綿長的尾韻,香氣仍在最尾聲時用90%黑巧克力與新鮮黑胡椒的氣息,奏鳴出最終樂章。

    雙手酒莊由Michael Twelftree與Richard Mintz兩位創始者於1999年創立。自創立之初,就致力於從澳洲最好的希哈(Shiraz)產區嚴選頂級的果實,以澳洲的代表品種希哈,創作出最好的葡萄酒。旗艦系列(Flagship Series)最具有雙手酒莊對品質絕不妥協的品牌精神,每一年份僅有評列為A+等級的酒,才能以旗艦系列上市,足以見證對品質的堅持。


  • Two Hands The Single Vineyard Series Holy Grail Seppeltsfield Barossa Valley Shiraz 「聖杯園」巴羅莎谷希哈紅葡萄酒

    NT$ 4,000

    酒       質:顏色是深沉的紅色。香氣上是濃縮的黑莓果漿、香料盒、菸草、乾燥黑胡椒粒、黑巧克力與焦土的氣息。入口後感受到強勁的力道,一種十分馥郁的莓果輪廓時而浮現也時而盤繞著口腔。單寧與酸度共鳴出一種和諧,彼此都有力道但不相互搶戲。極度綿長的尾韻伴隨著煙燻、乾燥薰衣草、胡椒和焦土氣息,悠悠而緩緩,徐徐不絕。可以想像它在經過歲月洗禮後,將是更極致細膩的風格展現。

    雙手酒莊由Michael Twelftree與Richard Mintz兩位創始者於1999年創立。自創立之初,就致力於從澳洲最好的希哈(Shiraz)產區嚴選頂級的果實,以澳洲的代表品種希哈,創作出最好的葡萄酒。花園系列呈現的是希哈在每個經典大產區的個性,而到了單一莊園系列(Single Vineyard Series),更是企圖呈現更小的地塊所展現的地域特性。


    釀造與熟成:將聖杯園中的許多更小地塊分開採收與分開釀造,輕柔且規律的每天2次的踩皮(punch down)與淋皮作業(pump over),之後酒液會與皮渣再浸泡約13-18天後釋出。分開釀造的酒液之後匯集進入大鋼槽中靜置24小時,接者換桶於橡木桶中醇化,並經過些微的過濾與澄清工序後裝瓶。酒液在法國橡木桶中熟成19個月,其中18%為新桶、44%為1-4年的二手桶、剩餘的38%則為中性的橡木桶。陳年潛力達15年以上。