顯示第 109 至 114 項結果,共 114 項

  • 特價

    Emidio Pepe Montepulciano d’Abruzzo 2018

    NT$ 2,100

    Pepe Montepulciano d’Abruzzo is made from pure grapes of the vine of the same name, from 30-year-old vines resting on clayey, medium-textured soil. In the vineyard, the dictates of organic farming are scrupulously followed, integrating them with some biodynamic practices, although the idea of grapes and healthy soil was already inherent in Emidio’s mentality. In the winery, the grapes are destemmed by hand and spontaneously fermented in vitrified cement tanks, followed by bottling and decanting by hand without filtration. The liquid ages 24 months in cement containers.

    It has an intense ruby red colour with little penetration. The nose is of great complexity, capable of evolving in an impressive manner with the passage of time, so much so that if, when young, it displays hints of wine and fresh fruit, it later enriches its profile with hints of graphite, earth and undergrowth. In the mouth it is compact and austere, always driven by beautiful acidity and vital, sculpted tannins.

  • 特價

    Nativ Blu Onice 2018 那提維 藍瑪瑙紅酒

    NT$ 1,350


  • 特價

    El Enemigo Semillon 2018

    NT$ 1,125

    2018年的 El Enemigo Semillon 是以早期阿根廷廣泛種植的葡萄品種所生產的,如今卷土重來。此款酒在橡木桶中發酵成熟,完美的與該品種融合在一起。酒體輕巧好入口,具有豐富而細膩的酸度,可以一再回味的蜜糖香。粗獷大方的風格,充沛有力,並帶有大量橡木桶的香氣。體現出木瓜和洋槐的香氣,口感呈現奶油般的香草味,並帶有成熟的桃子和芒果風味。生產3000瓶。

  • 特價

    El Enemigo Chardonnay 2018

    NT$ 1,080

    EI Enemigo 的 Chardonnay 飽含各種來自橡木桶的獨特香氣。橡木桶會培育出帶有赫雷斯(Jerez) 風味的酵母花,賦予葡萄酒具有香料的氣味,並透著些許咖哩和白胡椒味。其口感柔順,酸度高卻不搶味! 就商業性而言,無疑是成功的,價格只能說非常超值。生產16,000瓶。

    國際三大酒評家之一的James Suckling撰文說,他們在2018年共品嘗了22,000款來自全世界的葡萄酒,但如果真要選出一款最超值的,他會選El Enemigo Chardonnay 2016。

  • Montevertine Toscana 2016 / 2017 / 2018 蒙特維提妮酒莊托斯卡納紅酒 (750ML/ 1.5L/ 3L)

    NT$ 3,400NT$ 18,000

    明亮紅寶石顏色,完美宜人的花香,並有純粹的櫻桃酸度、蔓越莓和紫羅蘭的高雅香氣,剛入杯中有礦石味,中段時有明亮的酸度並帶有杏仁糖、紅莓和柑橘的高雅味道,酸甜宜人,酒體結構完整,喉韻柔順綿恆不絕。這瓶酒有爆炸性的香氣和口感,是 Sangiovese 混合 Canaiolo Nero兩種葡萄最完美的作品。

  • Montevertine Le Pergole Torte 2018 蒙特維提妮酒莊 涼亭紅酒 (1.5L)

    NT$ 16,000

    沉且飽滿的紅寶石顏色,華麗的香氣來自於成熟的葡萄,櫻桃、菸草、生鐵、肉桂和花香。有完美平衡的酸度,令人讚嘆且神魂顛倒的香氣來自於西洋李、甘草、濕草叢等複雜的味道,令人驚訝的優雅細緻的單寧和悠長餘韻,這瓶好酒是 Sangiovese 的最高境界,因為有對的人、對的地方所形成的,這就是 Montevertine 所最迷人的地方。