顯示第 19 至 27 項結果,共 114 項

  • Monte Dall’Ora Camporenzo Valpolicella Classico Superiore DOC 2018

    NT$ 1,200


  • Giuseppe Mascarello Barbera D’Alba Superiore Scudetto 2018

    NT$ 1,400

    Rated 90 by Wine Advocate
    The Giuseppe Mascarello 2018 Barbera d’Alba Scudetto comes from a slightly cooler vintage that was not always easy on this heat-seeking grape variety. This expression definitely shows extra freshness and classic, or rather subdued, lines with tart cherry and black fruits. Its structure is not as emphatic or constructed as we have seen in other vintages of the recent past; however, the wine has the snappy freshness to pair with a cheese or cream-based pasta dish.

  • Luciano Sandrone Barbera D’Alba 2018

    NT$ 1,300
    100% Barbera. The nose shows black plum aromas, as it opens up it reveals more black and red fruits, vanilla and spicy notes. On the palate, the characteristic freshness is front and center, with a core a fruit and tannins to give balance and length. The finish is very fresh, with bright bursts of fruit and acid.
    94 points – Wine Advocate
    “The Luciano Sandrone 2018 Barbera d’Alba is a wine of remarkable smoothness and integration. There are absolutely no sharp edges here, as this Barbera is polished and buffed over twice for good measure. It is packed tight with luscious dark fruit and blackberry preserves. That dark core is framed by light touches of Indian spice, campfire ash and truffle. There is a note of cherry sweetness on the close, but it is beautifully softened by all that rich intensity. If you are a fan of the Barbera grape, let me draw your attention to this tremendous value.”
    92 points – Wine & Spirits
    “Barbera’s signature high acidity comes streaming through in the moderate 2018 vintage, infusing this wine’s juicy raspberry and strawberry flavors with verve and energy. The fruit comes from vineyards in Novello and Monforte d”Alba, and the wine rested for one year in French oak tonneaux (25% new), gaining lush tannins and spice notes to balance the racy acidity.”
    92 points – James Suckling
    “A rich, round-textured barbera with plum and berry character and hints of orange peel. It’s full-bodied and velvety. Flavorful finish. Drink or hold.”
  • Carlo Tanganelli Cibreo 2018

    NT$ 760


  • Carlo Tanganelli Anatraso Bianco 2018

    NT$ 1,300

    適合搭配 鄉村手扒雞、墨西哥塔可、韓式海苔飯捲。

  • Buglioni Valpolicella Superiore DOC 2018 布里歐尼 完美紅葡萄酒

    NT$ 1,080


  • Buglioni Ripasso Valpolicella DOC 2018 布里歐尼 騙子紅葡萄酒

    NT$ 1,480


  • MANDOLÁS DRY FURMINT 2018 夢多拉斯弗明特不甜白酒

    NT$ 2,130



  • Merryvale Starmont Cabernet Sauvignon 2018 星峰卡本內紅葡萄酒

    NT$ 1,850

    品飲筆記:酒色呈現深紅色澤,帶著紫色光暈, 黑莓,黑醋栗,荊棘和黑巧克力複雜且多層次香氣。 入口新鮮果酸,有著豐富的深莓果與肉桂風味。特別選用非過度成熟的葡萄,來展現出卡本內應有的優雅與細緻,入口均衡飽滿、佐餐的同時更能細細品嘗莓果所帶來的層次風味。

    星峰酒廠位於Carneros與Napa Valley交界處,擁有當地知名的Stanly Ranch葡萄園。1989年成立起即以各葡萄品種發展富表現力且平易近人的經典風格葡萄酒而聞名。酒廠亦致力於環境的永續發展,太陽能板發電、100%回收水再利用,於2007年獲得「綠能酒廠」Napa Green Winery認證。

    葡萄在涼爽的清晨採收,人工採收後經過手工揀選。經過約3天的浸泡和9天發酵,運用天然野生酵母與培養酵母一起發酵,之後進行乳酸發酵。並於法國與美國橡木桶中熟成16個月(33% 新桶),未經澄清即裝瓶後上市。