
顯示第 946 至 952 項結果,共 952 項

  • 特價

    Quinta do Zambujeiro 2007 傑羅酒莊 傑羅紅酒

    NT$ 3,870

    這一瓶 2007年的Zambjeiro 是酒莊的旗艦酒,混有 44% Touriga Nacional , 30% Alicante Bouschet 和 26% Aragonez,直到2009年才裝瓶,是這家精英酒莊裡最好的一款酒,具有無與倫比的華麗和超級的美味,是如此的豐厚美好,優雅細緻的單寧令人震驚,完美的酒體結構,極致的平衡感和酸度,這款酒毫無疑問是最壯麗和美味的,而且是如此地精進,況且有久存的實力,開瓶一天了仍在杯中散發著美味,它將越來越光輝明亮。這年份只有生產稀少的6900瓶。

  • Marques de Carano Reserva 2015 卡拉諾 精選紅酒

    NT$ 480


  • 特價

    Paolo Bea Arboreus Bianco Umbria IGT 2012

    NT$ 2,100


    2012 saw a warm vintage in Umbria, and Bea’s ’12 Arboreus Umbria Bianco embodies its growing year in its lushness, opulence, and silky texture, yet for all its richness, this wine feels precise and delineated. This enchanting wine’s nose bursts with sappy orchard and stone fruits, orange zest, white wildflowers, warm baking spices, honey, bitter almonds, and whiffs of green tea, oxidation, and earth. The surprisingly muscular palate is saturated with dry extract, but lively acidity, silky-fine tannins, and a core of savory minerals keep it supple into its resonant, complex finish. A fantastic complement to a wide range of foods from white meats to hearty seafood to pungent cheeses, Bea’s Arboreus Bianco gets its name from pre-phylloxera old-vine Trebbiano Spoletino rootstock whose vines are trained into tree-like shapes. The wine’s intense flavor comes from its grapes’ fermenting on the skins for 23 days and the wine aging in stainless steel, sitting on its lees, for more than two years before bottling.

  • 特價

    Paolo Bea Rosso de Veo Umbria IGT 2011

    NT$ 2,600


    The current version of Rosso de Veo is a selection of the Bea estate’s younger Sagrantino vines, principally from the ‘Cerrete’ vineyard which graces the highest point in Montefalco, between 1300 and 1500 feet above sea level. The soil is clay and limestone infused with small pebbles from an ancient riverbed. This wine is vinified in a similar fashion to the single vineyard Sagrantino with a long cuvaison which extends forty to fifty days. The wine is then aged one year in stainless steel tanks, two years in large oak barrels and another year in bottle before release. The wine is not filtered. Production varies depending on vintage.

  • 特價

    Paolo Bea Pipparello Montefalco DOC Rosso Riserva 2011

    NT$ 2,600


    Montefalco Rosso Riserva “Pipparello”, made from Sangiovese, Sagrantino and Montepulciano, silky, warm, vibrant. A deep garnet colour, with warm, earthy, chocolatey, animal aromas and a core of sweet blackberries. It has a lovely silky mouthfeel, and a long finished speckled with minerals. It’s vibrant and intense – exactly what you’d expect from this esteemed winemaker. This wine spends 2 years in barrel before bottling. Only 700 cases of this wine were produced, so it is a truly artisan product.

  • 特價

    Produttori del Carema 三瓶套酒

    NT$ 4,000

    《 Piedmont裡遺世獨立的珍寶 》
    Produttori del Carema 合作社創立於1960年,起初只有10個酒農因有著共同目標團結起來創立酒莊,直到2015年現在已經達到101個成員平均年齡55歲,每個酒農所擁有的葡萄園都極小,所有成員都是在農閒之時過來合作社幫忙,在2013年時把舊的橡木桶全部換成新的南斯拉夫大型橡木桶。
    合作社遵循千年來的古老傳統,運用老祖宗流傳下來的釀酒知識,釀出纖巧細緻、香醇內斂,濃郁且有層次感和後勁十足的酒款,忠實地反映出當地特有的風土氣候,1539年當時的教宗Pope Paul III讚美的說  “an excellent drink, perfect for princes and lords”,世界聞名的義大利大導演Mario Soldati說這裡的酒 “strong and likeable as the sun and the stone”
    1. Carema Selezione 2015〈60周年紀念酒〉AG 94
    2. Carema Riserva 2016 AG 95
    3. Carema Classico 2016  AG 93

  • Montevertine Toscana 2016 / 2017 / 2018 蒙特維提妮酒莊托斯卡納紅酒 (750ML/ 1.5L/ 3L)

    NT$ 3,400NT$ 18,000

    明亮紅寶石顏色,完美宜人的花香,並有純粹的櫻桃酸度、蔓越莓和紫羅蘭的高雅香氣,剛入杯中有礦石味,中段時有明亮的酸度並帶有杏仁糖、紅莓和柑橘的高雅味道,酸甜宜人,酒體結構完整,喉韻柔順綿恆不絕。這瓶酒有爆炸性的香氣和口感,是 Sangiovese 混合 Canaiolo Nero兩種葡萄最完美的作品。