
顯示第 622 至 630 項結果,共 665 項

  • Paolo Scavino Barolo Bricco Ambrogio 2016

    NT$ 2,950
    酒評分數:2016年 RP 94 / AG 94
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    Emidio Pepe Montepulciano d’Abruzzo 2018

    NT$ 2,100

    Pepe Montepulciano d’Abruzzo is made from pure grapes of the vine of the same name, from 30-year-old vines resting on clayey, medium-textured soil. In the vineyard, the dictates of organic farming are scrupulously followed, integrating them with some biodynamic practices, although the idea of grapes and healthy soil was already inherent in Emidio’s mentality. In the winery, the grapes are destemmed by hand and spontaneously fermented in vitrified cement tanks, followed by bottling and decanting by hand without filtration. The liquid ages 24 months in cement containers.

    It has an intense ruby red colour with little penetration. The nose is of great complexity, capable of evolving in an impressive manner with the passage of time, so much so that if, when young, it displays hints of wine and fresh fruit, it later enriches its profile with hints of graphite, earth and undergrowth. In the mouth it is compact and austere, always driven by beautiful acidity and vital, sculpted tannins.

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    Nativ Bicento 2017 那提維 必勝得旗艦紅酒

    NT$ 2,160

    Bicento 義大利文意思就是 Twice Century 就是200年之意,其葡萄採栽自200年生長於火山灰上的老藤,是歐洲最老的葡萄樹,葡萄園位於海拔500公尺之上,不透光的黑深紫色,香濃馥郁的酒體,有黑莓、黑醋栗、藍莓、覆盆子和甘草等濃郁的複雜果味,成熟丹寧增添了更多風味,足夠的酸度使這款酒顯得生氣勃勃,扎實濃郁的酒體有著料、煙燻等氣息,一入口成熟而高雅的果香源源不斷地湧出,層次感和後勁十足,經典的細緻優雅口感展現出撫媚的風格,擁有厚實丹寧,精緻均衡的酒體結構,尾韻長而有力,在法國新橡木桶中存藏18個月。

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    Nativ Eremo San Quirico 2017 那提維 艾瑞莫旗艦紅酒

    NT$ 1,700

    150年老藤 史上唯一連續9年得到 LM-99 分的最高分

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    Nativ Rue Dell’Inchiostro 2017 那提維 戴印斯托紅酒

    NT$ 765


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    Nativ Velluto Rosso 2016 那提維 維洛托紅酒

    NT$ 855

    Velluto Rosso 是 「紅絲絨」的意思,因此這款酒設計成絲絨材質的酒標,滿口的成熟黑莓、黑醋栗與洋梨風味,揉雜著甜美吐司與巧克力風味。濃郁的酒體成熟的丹寧增添了更多風味,足夠的酸度使這款酒顯得生氣勃勃,柔順的單寧入口如絲一般的滑順。

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    Nativ Rue de’ Passi Aglianico 2017 那提維 帕西紅酒

    NT$ 1,080


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    Nativ Blu Onice 2018 那提維 藍瑪瑙紅酒

    NT$ 1,350


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    El Enemigo Single Vineyard CHACAYES 2016 艾勒米格酒莊 洽卡耶 單一園紅酒

    NT$ 3,510
    • 2016年的 Gran Enemigo Chacayes 單一葡萄園擁有更多層次。極高的純度,比起2015年更加濃厚。這些葡萄酒在橡木桶內陳釀將近半年,酸度很高卻口感平衡,並且保證必要的新鮮度,猶如將野味陳年瓶中15年熟成的好酒, 天衣無縫。2018年12月裝瓶5,000瓶。適飲期2019-2031年