Canalicchio Di Sopra Rosso Di Montalcino 2020
NT$ 1,600 原始價格:NT$ 1,600。NT$ 1,035目前價格:NT$ 1,035。
- 全館滿 $4000 即享免運優惠
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Italy , Tuscany , Rosso di Montalcino
Sangiovese 100%
Canalicchio Di Sopra Rosso Di Montalcino 2020
Rosso sees its commercial release at a different time than Brunello, so it’s hard to be timely with one set of reviews without being behind on the others. Hitting the market soon, the warm-vintage Canalicchio di Sopra 2020 Rosso di Montalcino is supple and rich. This wine shows rich fruit weight and soft aromas of baked cherry and plum.
The Rosso di Montalcino Doc 2020 “Canalicchio di Sopra” is the freshest and most vibrant version of our Sangiovese in a year of extreme depth and vibration. The 2020 vintage was characterized by the achievement of excellent technological maturation that enhanced the floreality of our Sangiovese, guaranteeing the wines excellent acidity to support the structure. In this context, the Rosso di Montalcino in this vintage is expressed in all its vivacity, freshness and aromatic complexity with a great balsamic impact. In the mouth, the wine is deeply stretched with sweetness contrasted with good salinity: characteristics that make the Rosso di Montalcino Doc 2020 “Canalicchio di Sopra” a wine of great “gastronomy”, capable of accompanying food in a very versatile way.
Canalicchio di Sopra
Canalicchio di Sopra酒莊由Primo Pacenti於1962年在托斯卡納的Montalcino鎮以北Val d’Orcia(奧爾恰谷)創立。秉持著生產典雅Sangiovese的釀酒哲理而備受推崇,酒莊也是Brunello葡萄酒協會(Consorzio del vino Brunello di Montalcino)的12位發起人之一,為今日Brunello di Montalcino葡萄酒的成功拓展做出重大貢獻。
如今,Primo Pacenti的子孫們也加入了酒莊,並為酒莊帶來了創新及先進的釀酒技術,品質得到了大幅的提升,深受世界各地嚐家和專業品酒師的追捧,包括Gambero Rosso、Wine Spectator、Wine Enthusiast和Wine Advocat都讚譽有加。酒莊標誌性的Canalicchio di Sopra” Brunello Di Montalcino”每年都備受好評,在2015年James Suckling更打出了97分高分!