Domaine FONTAINE-GAGNARD Pommard Les Rugiens 2018

NT$ 4,200

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France, Burgundy




Pinot Noir

Domaine FONTAINE-GAGNARD Pommard Les Rugiens 2018

92 points John Gilman
Outer quote mark The 2017 Rugiens from Céline Fontaine is another very, very good wine in the making, but it cannot match the optimal ripeness of the Clos des Chênes (due to the leaf roll disease) and is a bit more reticent out of the blocks as a result. The nose is a fine mix of black cherries, plums, a touch of currant leaf, dark chocolate, woodsmoke, a lovely base of soil, vanillin oak and a gentle topnote of violets. On the palate the wine is deep, full-bodied, nascently complex and ripely tannic, with a good core, fine focus and grip and a long, balanced and youthful finish. This is not quite as sappy at the core as the other top reds in the cellar this year, but it will still be a lovely wine in the fullness of time. 2027-2060. Inner quote mark (1/2019)


Domaine Fontaine-Gagnard

Domaine Fontaine-Gagnard 是 <Chassagne-Montrachet 夏山蒙哈榭 > 產區地位與品質的代表之一。家族持有葡萄園並從事釀酒 50年,目前由少莊主兼釀酒師 Céline Fontaine 接手,心思細膩、手法精緻。


園內施行有機農法﹔一級園使用新桶的比例約為三分之一,特級園稍多一些, 但所有白酒桶陳皆不超過一年。


其系列產品完整且風格細膩獨特,基本紅白酒超越水準,Chassagne 村莊級酒款讓人很難以忽視,一系列出色的一級園 Chassagne、Volnay、Pommard及特級園酒款更令人驚豔。


更具指標性的,莫過於三個特級園 Criots-Bâtard-Montrachet、Bâtard-Montrachet、以及 Le Montrachet。


在葡萄園地塊分割破碎狀況嚴重的勃艮第區域裡,Fontaine-Gagnard 持有最大比例的Criots-Bâtard-Montrachet。 各系列酒款量少質精,勃艮地佳釀饕家及藏家不可錯失。

