Klein Constantia Vin de Constance 2018 南非康士坦絲甜酒

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原始價格:NT$ 2,600。目前價格:NT$ 2,400。

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South Africa, Constantia, Western Cape




Muscat de Frontignan 100%

Klein Constantia Vin de Constance 2018 南非康士坦絲甜酒

年份 國際評分
2018 Vinous-96、James Suckling 98-99、Decanter-98
2017 Decanter 97分 & 白金獎 / James Suckling 97 / Wine Spectator 95
2016 RP-94
2015 RP-94、WS-95
2014 WS-94
2013 RP-96、WS-94
2012 RP-94、WS-95
2011 RP-93、WS-94
2009 RP-94、WS-95
2008 RP-95、WS-94
2007 RP-97、WS-95
2006 RP-95、WS-95



“Extraordinary aromas of white peaches, apricots, vanilla and flowers. Full-bodied and very sweet with so much sweet and dried fruit, such as apricots and tangerines, yet it maintains citrusy freshness and texture, with a long, very sweet finish. Always energetic and vivid. Great length to this. Goes on for minutes. It’s a sweet wine to drink when young, to marvel over the intensity and verve, yet also one to age for decades. Drink or hold.” – 《James Suckling 98-99》

“The 2018 Vin de Constance was picked over 60 days, the second most prolonged picking since the maiden 1986 vintage. It was lightly pressed into 500-liter barrels for alcoholic fermentation, which can take up to six months, then matured on the gross lees in 60% new oak and acacia barrels. This vintage contains 172g/L residual sugar and 6.2g/L total acidity. It presents a vibrant, effervescent bouquet of freshly sliced grapefruit, fresh fig and citrus fruit, all penetrating, vivacious and tensile. The palate is beautifully balanced with a fine bead of acidity, impressive weight and notes of grapefruit and orange zest plus hints of stem ginger. The spiciness is accentuated toward the finish. Another outstanding Vin de Constance courtesy of winemaker Matt Day.” – 《Vinous 96》


Klein Constantia


克萊坦亞酒莊 南非世界級甜酒
拿破崙、法國國王路易.菲利普、普魯士的斐特烈大帝和鐵血宰相俾斯麥、 英國國王等都為之風靡

南非的Klein Constantia酒莊座落於距離開普敦很近,翠綠的康絲坦希亞谷地(Constantia valley)。這裡是南非最古老、名聲最響亮的葡萄酒產區,歷史可以追溯到17世紀末,而早在18世紀此處生產的傳奇珍貴甜酒就已經聲名遠播到歐洲,風靡了歐洲宮廷的許多君王貴族,例如拿破崙、法國國王路易.菲利普、普魯士的斐特烈大帝和鐵血宰相俾斯麥、英國國王等。非常不幸的,19 世紀末本地的葡萄園遭受了葡萄根瘤蚜蟲害,葡萄園就此荒廢並賣給政府作研究農場。在1980年有一個Jooste家族把它買下後,希望傳承延續此地的葡萄園和傳統因而重建了Klein Constantia酒莊。

Jooste家族希望讓Constantia的風華再現,規劃了16.5公頃的葡萄園(海拔350公尺,花崗石混合黏土的土壤,有海風吹拂),種植原來的葡萄品種Muscat de Frontignan(小粒種麝香白葡萄)重新開始釀造古早風味的甜酒,然後將釀好的酒裝在以手工吹製的19世紀造型500 cc酒瓶中,讓這款消失了一世紀的傳奇珍貴葡萄酒 Vin de Constance 終於又重現在世人的眼前!

Vin de Constance是採用一種頗特別的釀造方法,不像 Amarone 是收成後風乾,而是在葡萄快要成熟時,把葡萄梗與葡萄藤連接的地方彎曲,以阻斷水分進入到葡萄中,讓葡萄裡的葡萄汁變濃。Vin de Constance依然深受世人的高度推崇,不僅曾經入選2015年Wine Spectator年度百大好酒第10名(2009年份),甚至也曾被選用為英國國宴用酒!


