• Roberto Voerzio Cerequio Barolo 2008

    NT$ 10,900

    《Wine Advocate》

    The 2008 Barolo Cerequio comes across as dark, powerful and rich. Black cherries, leather, spices, licorice and tar are some of the nuances that take shape in this intense Cerequio. Here, too, the flavors are dark and brooding. With time in the glass, the Cerequio turns suave, polished and elegant, all qualities that are typical of this site, but the 2008 never fully drops its sheer muscle. The 2008 remains big, powerful and structured. A finessed finish covers every inch of the palate with small bursts of energetic dark red fruit. This is another drop-dead gorgeous wine from Roberto and Davide Voerzio. Little of the early appeal and sensuality that is typical of Cerequio is to be found in the 2008, so readers will have to be patient. Anticipated maturity: 2018-2028.

    These wines from Roberto and Davide Voerzio represent a significant turning point stylistically. This is the first year in which most of the Baroli were aged partly in cask and partly in barrel, the same approach the estate used for its early wines, up to and including the 1993 vintage. The 2008s spent their first year in equal parts cask and barrique, and a second year in French oak barrels, just 20% new, a major change over the recent past. The exceptions are the Baroli Voerzio bottled only in magnums (Sarmassa and Vecchie Viti dei Capalot e delle Brunate), which were aged exclusively in French oak because of the tiny quantities of those wines. Roberto Voerzio describes 2008 as a year that was cold from start to finish. The wines are huge, tannic and likely to require quite a bit of patience. With time, though, the pedigree of the great Barolo vineyards simply can’t be denied. The best of Voerzio’s 2008s are pure magic.

  • Merryvale Profile Napa Valley Red Wine 2016 繪影頂級精釀紅葡萄酒

    NT$ 9,800

    酒質:2016 Profile 色澤亮麗,香氣撲鼻,香草、巧克力、烤香和櫻桃。 入口後能感受到這款酒的張力。 與 2015 年相比,這款酒更精細,有著其複雜性並且展現誘人、鹹味的風味和柔和的單寧。 2016 年Profile 將繼續發展並獲得多年的複雜性,這款酒可以保存長達 30 年。

    「膜拜酒有時如曇花一現,但只有美儷谷酒莊的Profile在經過這麼多年後依然像星辰般閃亮」-Wine Enthusiast 雜誌

    美儷谷酒莊把Napa Valley每一個年份的美好呈現在這款旗艦款的波爾多混釀紅酒裡。這款酒的葡萄100%來自於自家的葡萄園,人工採收之後再經過嚴格的手工撿果過程,僅有品質最佳的葡萄才有資格進入膜拜酒殿堂。繪影頂級精釀紅酒經得起時間的歷練,當然在年輕時飲用也非常可口,也因為極佳的品質,讓它以頂級膜拜酒之姿行銷全球市場。

  • Podere Il Carnasciale IL CABERLOT 2015

    NT$ 7,300

    The Caberlot grape is believed to be a natural crossing between Cabernet Franc and Merlot.

    18 months french barrel ageing / barrel selection / 16 months magnum ageing

  • De Martino Old Vine Series Carignan Vigno 2019 迪 馬提諾 老藤 維諾 卡麗濃紅酒

    NT$ 1,900

    Vigno在近年中一直保持在智利酒排行前三名的佳績,2018年份RP 98、2017年份RP 97、2016年份RP 97、2015年份RP 96,屢屢創下智利酒最高分佳績。

    Vigno 2019 是一款口感濃郁而集中的葡萄酒,由於它在最適合日子的收成,因此仍然保有鮮明的酸度,帶來清新的味蕾。成熟而高雅的果香源源不斷地湧出,果味純淨單寧細緻、層次感和後勁十足,但完美平衡也適合即飲,餘韻十分美妙悠長,是一款讓人驚豔不已、物超所值的好酒,深具陳年潛力,它的結構和復雜性將在接下來的幾十年裡優雅地展現,獨樹一幟的風格發揮到極致,出色的表現已然進入膜拜級的行列。

  • DRC Corton 2017

    “A ripe but reasonably fresh array mixes both red currant and dark berry aromas that are liberally laced with notes of various floral, sauvage and earth nuances. There is first-rate volume and power to the serious, intense and overtly muscular big-bodied flavors that coat the palate with dry extract on the robust, moderately rustic and impressively long finish. To my way of viewing the progression made by this wine since the first vintage under the Domaine’s auspices in 2009, this is beginning to resemble a true Corton. I would expect that as the different system of viticulture and replanting to higher quality vines begins to have their inevitable effects that this will continue to improve. Note that while this is certainly a big and structured wine, it’s not so youthfully backward that it won’t be approachable relatively young, at least in the context of what is typical for a classic Corton.” Burghound

  • DRC Echézeaux 2017

    配售 請電洽


  • DRC Grands-Echézeaux 2017

    配售 請電洽

  • DRC Romanée-St.Vivant 2017

    配售 請電洽

  • DRC Richebourg 2017

    配售 請電洽